Client Manager
Business metrics are the foundation of any performance monitoring strategy. The soul duty of the Cogent client manager is to help your business meet sales and revenue goals. This can be done by knowing your business metrics. Successful save options and service levels will be put in place on day one so we can provide the quality service and standards you’re looking for.
Weekly Calibrations happens from the top and they continue thru each department. Cogent Exchange believes in calibrations with it’s clients is Key in understanding and knowing what the long term goals are for their standing partners. These goals and feedback are prepared and put into goals and procedures thru the company. Weekly calibrations are then transmitted thru the client managers to the Quality Teams and Management.
We know your verticals with 15 years of experience we have covered all areas of marketing, fulfillment, products and processing. Our Cogent Client Management team can give you the back-end numbers that you need. We can verify that your numbers stay in line with the current markets standards.
Let our Client Managers help you integrate new or pre-existing systems or sites into a successful and safe CRM practices. Successful customer support does start and end with a single phone call or chat. We can work hand in hand with your CRM providers and fulfilment providers to verify that customers and files are being managed correctly. Let us worry about your returns, we can verify files are processed and managed in a timely and correctly.
With consumer fraud becoming more and more prevalent today, we work to safe-guard our clients from potential trends of poor marketing or customer support. Client managers meet with the Quality Team Agents and Supervisors daily so they can understand why consumers are contacting support and to verify consumer’s needs are met. Client Mangers are Experts when it comes to Quality controls, from the training to the certification all the way to fine tuning so they can provide you with the most up to date feedback. Not only do we provide services such as sales verification, but our team also stays alert for any possible fraud activity, and forwards any fraud claims or concerns real-time to our clients.